
How To Change Default Program Windows 7

Why do you need to restore default programs in Windows 7?

When you lot double-click a particular blazon of file, like a picture or a music file, information technology will automatically launch the program associated with that type of file. Usually, on a fresh copy of Windows, information technology volition exist a born program.

Merely now you find that there is something wrong when you are trying to open up a file. The pictures, music or videos no longer launch the way y'all await. Actually, yous are not the only one who meets this issue. It happens now then amid Windows 7 users. Below is a question from the Microsoft forum.

"By mistake I had changed default plan with other files and at present all of my files and programs seem to have been inverse to word documents, and they do not open up. I cannot even open the internet any more in order to find a solution. How can I go back to my original settings?"

Yous may in a similar situation similar this user so that you come to this guide to discover a solution to solve the trouble. Well, you take come to the right page. Next, we volition bear witness y'all how to restore default programs in Windows 7 with detailed steps.

How to restore default programs in Windows vii?

Step 1. Click the Start card > Find Default Programs and click information technology.

Footstep 2. Choose Associate a file type or protocol with a plan.

Choose The Option

Step three. Select the file type or extension you want to associate with a programme > Click Modify program...

Step 4. Choose the program yous wish to set as the default program and click OK to ostend. If the programme y'all want to choose does non show in the Recommended Programs/Other Programs, you can click Scan... to observe it.

Confirm The Operation

At present you know how to reset default programs in Windows 7. It's quite frustrating to encounter such a problem, but it's fortunate that at that place is a solution to fix information technology. Yet, you may also meet other issues in the future that tin can make your computer not piece of work properly. And even worse, you may lose some important data like your work documents or family photos.

The problems are unavoidable, only information technology'due south possible to get the computer dorsum to normal quickly if you have made a fill-in in advance. So is there a reliable fashion that can help you lot backup everything hands? Well, 1 gratuitous backup tool named AOMEI Backupper Standard is the way to go. Just keep reading to learn how information technology tin can help you lot backup your Windows 7 computer.

An Easy Solution to Backup Your Figurer

AOMEI Backupper Standard is ane comprehensive fill-in & restore tool designed for Windows figurer. Information technology offers various fill-in solutions to keep your data safety, and too helps you get the computer back to normal quickly when problems occur.

one. Easy to Use. The interface is convenient, and you can make a backup hands with its timely notification.

2. Various Fill-in Solutions.

  • Organization Backup will help you make a copy of all contents in the system drive. It tin can assistance you restore your arrangement to the previous normal state quickly if there is whatever system problem, which can help save the time for application reinstallation and settings reconfiguration.

  • Disk Backup will backup the unabridged hd. It lets yous recover everything when you meet all kinds of problems, such as virus and hacker set on, wrong operation, software failure, etc.

  • Segmentation Backup will backup partition or book. It allows you to backup one or the selected partitions instead of the whole hard drive.

  • File Fill-in will backup the selected folders/files that y'all never want to lose.

3. Backup to Diverse Destinations. It enables you to save the backup image anywhere you prefer, like the disk hard drive, the external hard bulldoze, a cloud drive or a network share.

4. Schedule Backup. You can create a custom scheduled task for the fill-in, and then it will automatically fill-in everyday/weekly/monthly.

Want to give it a try? Only download AOMEI Backupper on your Windows 7 estimator, and follow the steps below to make a backup in minutes. And here nosotros will take organisation fill-in as an example.

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Step 1. Open AOMEI Backupper > Click Fill-in and then choose System Backup.

System Backup

Footstep 2. Partitions released to the organisation to boot are listed automatically > Name the task > Choose the destination path to save the backup image > Click Schedule to make a fill-in everyday/weekly/monthly as per your need > Click Start Backup to confirm.

Start Backup


one. You tin click Options to enable electronic mail notification or set compression level for the backup.

2. The Scheme option can help you lot remove sometime backup images automatically, which can help gratis upward your storage space. Information technology is available in AOMEI Backupper Professional. If you are interested, you lot tin download the free trial version to explore it by yourself.


Information technology only needs 4 simple steps to restore default programs in Windows 7. However, information technology will have a long time to fix more complicated Windows problems if you do not have a backup. And so do non forget to backup your estimator regularly, and AOMEI Backupper can exist your best assistant.

As well information fill-in, information technology can also assistance you clone a hard disk bulldoze to another one with its disk clone feature when yous desire to go a new HDD/SSD.


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