If yous're running Windows 7, Windows eight and Windows viii.one, you may get a surprise notification alert which offers y'all costless Windows 10 upgrade comes in the class of pop-up window, asking you to enter your e-mail accost to reserve the costless upgrade. In addition, an additional GWX icon named "Go Windows 10" is added to Taskbar'southward organisation tray (notification area).

The sneaky Windows 10 update alert is the result of KB3035583 update, a Windows 10 upgrade preparatory package. The update created a new directory in C:\Windows\System32\GWX and installs some executables and files that serve every bit a notification tool that could display banners and other ads for Windows ten as the launch date approaches. Meanwhile, the GWXUXWorker.exe file acts as the Windows ten downloader.

The Windows x update notifier behaves according to the phase and how close to the Windows 10 launch is. Excavation through the config.xml file reveals the phases that Windows x launch could be in, such as None, AnticipationUX, Reservation, Reserved, RTM, GA, UpgradeDetected, UpgradeDownloadInProgress, UpgradeDownloaded, UpgradeReadyToInstall, UpgradeReadySetupInProgress, UpgradeSetupCompatBlock, UpgradeSetupRolledBack, UpgradeSetupFailed, UpgradeSetupComplete and etc.

It's possible to disable and remove the "Get Windows 10" icon and notification window, by uninstalling KB3035583 update, which was delivered as recommended update to Windows viii.i Pro, Windows 8.1, and Windows vii Ultimate, Windows seven Professional, Windows seven Home Premium, Windows 7 Home Basic and Windows 7 Starter installed with Service Pack 1 (SP1) early on April 2015.

  1. Open Windows Update by going to Control Panel -> System and Security -> Windows Update, or search for it.
  2. Click on Installed Updates on the bottom left corner.

    Installed Updates

  3. Locate and select the Update for Microsoft Windows (KB3035583) update under Microsoft Windows section. You tin can search for KB3035583in the search box on acme left corner.

    Uninstall KB3035583 Windows 10 Update Notification Tool

    Uninstall Update for Microsoft Windows (KB2976978) also if the Get Windows x app is non removed completely.
  4. Click on Uninstall to remove the update.
  5. Click Aye to confirm.
  6. When uninstallation procedure is completed, restart the computer.

You're now free from Become Windows 10 system tray icon and Windows ten gratuitous upgrade offer reservation nag screen. Some people may still have remnants of the KB3035583 update's files in %WinDir%\System32\GWX folder. In that case just delete the folder (you lot may need to take buying of the folder before able to delete it manually).

If y'all just want to disable the GWX (Get Windows X) app, and keep the update installed, use the Registry Editor (Regedit) to create the post-obit registry key and value. Or, re-create and paste the following code into a text file with .reg extension, and so execute it.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Gwx] "DisableGwx"=dword:00000001

In addition to the registry key above, you can also rename the GWXUXWorker.exe and GWX.exe files that are responsible for the nag bulletin (as if they're deleted). To do so, end and end the GWX.exe process using Task Director. Then, rename the GWXUXWorker.exe and GWX.exe which are located at C:\Windows\System32\GWX binder to some other name, such as by appending an suffix likes backup or one-time. If you prefer, you can delete and remove the entire GWX folder as well. Note that yous may need to give the system permission's to respective files if you're facing with access denied issue.

Officially, Microsoft is recommending the post-obit method to turn off notification from "Get Windows 10" app:

Click "Customize" in the System Tray and plow off the Get Windows 10 app notifications in the menu that comes up.